Help!! Car broke down and need feed for 3 day-old chicks


6 Years
Oct 29, 2015
Howdy y'all and HELP! in a scrap. Feed store miles away and i have chicks to feed. i have egg maker, cracked corn, wild bird seed, sunflower seed to choose from. the egg maker likely has excessive calcium, but could i mix it with the crack? any other ideas? in the wild they would be eating grass and small seed? Help?
Howdy y'all and HELP! in a scrap. Feed store miles away and i have chicks to feed. i have egg maker, cracked corn, wild bird seed, sunflower seed to choose from. the egg maker likely has excessive calcium, but could i mix it with the crack? any other ideas? in the wild they would be eating grass and small seed? Help?
Why not make them scrambled eggs? Egg is complete nutrition for chicks.
If I had to choose from the choices you've listed above I would use the egg maker feed until I could get the appropriate feed.

I would not feed any of the other things mentioned at all.
thank you, guys, great advice. i did give them egg maker and they seem extremely content. stupid car.

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