Help!! Chick is hatching 3 days before lockdown! Humidity low and turner still in!


May 25, 2017
Ok so this is a crazy situation that I need help with right away!
I am incubating eggs in my classroom, and I am actually out of town today so I'm nowhere near the school. The sub just called me to say that a chick is almost all the way out of its shell!
They are not supposed to even go into lockdown until Sunday!
I was doing sort of a dry run, so the humidity is only in the 20s (percentage) and the egg turner was still on. The first thing I told her to do was unplug the turner (and pray she doesn't accidentally unplug the incubator).
What should I tell her to do?? I didn't set the brooder up yet or anything! I didn't know it was possible for them to hatch 3 days before lockdown! My principal is at the school and she was planning on going in on Sunday for lockdown procedures, so I could have her do something things, but when in the process should she do that? The chick is almost out!
(I also took all the eggs out for like 10 minutes to candle them yesterday so this is crazy that it's happening so fast and so very not in lockdown conditions)
Should I have her put a bunch of water in? There's not really a way to make sure it's warm water (only option is from the tap). Should I have her take the turner out?
And what day do I need to take out this chick that's hatching? I assume my principal will still have to come in over the weekend to do that. But that means she'll need to set up the brooder herself. I usually don't keep chicks over the weekend, so I don't know what to do to prevent pasty butt and clean up and all that stuff of the weekend!
The chick is pretty much already out, so I don't think there's a risk of shrinkwrapping anymore.
Should I have the principal quickly take out the turner and raise the humidity? How should she deal with the hatching chick? Wait until it's out completely? I'm just worried it will get hurt. It's in the middle of the egg turner so it has eggs on all sides.
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I would have the principal take out the turner and raise the humidity.
Thank you for responding!
How should she handle the chick that has hatched? Just pick it up gently even if it still has some shell on it?
And what should we do with that chick? Can it wait until Sunday to be moved to the brooder?
Is it ok for the other chicks to go into lockdown early?
Thank you for responding!
How should she handle the chick that has hatched? Just pick it up gently even if it still has some shell on it?
And what should we do with that chick? Can it wait until Sunday to be moved to the brooder?
Is it ok for the other chicks to go into lockdown early?
Yes, the other eggs can go into lockdown early. So, I would go into early lockdown and leave the chick in the incubator until you can set up a brooder. In theory it can stay in there for a couple of days, but I would try however, to get a brooder set up by tomorrow, if possible.
Ok! Then what should I do with the hatched chick over the weekend? Will it be ok until Sunday morning? If so, if it is moved to the brooder on Sunday morning will it be ok alone at school until Monday morning? I've never kept hatched chicks in my classroom over a weekend. I've kept them overnight, but that meant that I was cleaning out the poop and wiping their butts up until 3:30 and then coming back at 7:30 the next day.
This will be around 9am to 7:30am alone. I'm worried about pasty butt and also just being in a dirty brooder. Plus it will be alone so won't have another chick to huddle with if it gets cold!
I would have the principal take out the turner and raise the humidity.
I agree. Not to worry if the chick wants to hatch let it. Turn off the turner for sure. One time some years ago, I had taken out some eggs after candling that I thought were quitters. I put them in a pulp egg carton. I hadn't tossed them but was about to. I went into the room I had my hatchers in and the eggs that I had taken out, and heard some peeping but not coming from the hatchers. Surprise!!! the eggs I had taken out as quitters had hatched in the egg carton (the carton wasn't closed). Also another time I had marked the wrong week on my calendar and thought I had another week before the chicks would hatch and heard peeping from the incubator. I had chicks scrambling everywhere in it. I did take the rest of the eggs out and put them in the hatchers and the hatched chicks in a brooder. If your temperature ran a bit high it could cause the chicks to hatch early. You just never know... Good luck and have fun...
Yes, the other eggs can go into lockdown early. So, I would go into early lockdown and leave the chick in the incubator until you can set up a brooder. In theory it can stay in there for a couple of days, but I would try however, to get a brooder set up by tomorrow, if possible.
If I set up the brooder tomorrow though, it will be all alone and uncared for until Monday morning! And I worry about dirty brooders and pasty butt.
Should I have my principal come in tomorrow to move the chick to brooder AND on Sunday to care for it? That's a lot to ask of her. Would it be ok to transport it to her house over the weekend?

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