Help chick not breathing good

How old is the chick? Were they hatched at a hatchery or by a breeder? It looks to be struggling to breath or swallow. Can you feel any food in it’s crop in the right upper chest? Does it feel hard or soft? It almost looks like there is something in it’s airway or throat. I would try to offer water with electrolytes up to it’s beak but let it drink on it’s own. Look for any poo stuck to it’s vent. Shipping chicks is very stressful on them, especially if it is very cold.
The chick could use some warm sugar water plus Poultry Nutri-drench immediately. It's hard to tell with new chicks, but it's likely it's just shipping stress. The chick needs to be wrapped in a warm towel or cloth as you slip a drop of sugar water at a time into its beak. This should revive it.

If you've had the chick for a few days already, and it's been eating, what was it eating? Has it had any water at all?

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