Help, chick pecked badly by chicken


Jul 14, 2015
Hi, I'm fairly new to chickens, we have a few girls that are almost 1 and then we just got a few chicks at the beginning of June. They are kept in the same shed/coop building, but separated into two different areas. I have this one little chick that's so brave, everytime I'm going in to feed and water them she makes a mad dash into the big girls area and then runs back in, well I guess sometime this morning she found a way to fly up and get through one of the small holes in the wire(my best guess as to how she got out) and I found her huddled in the corner being pecked on by a chicken, I'm not sure she was out too long because she's still alive, I picked her up and she was standing on her feet and kind of moving, but the bleeding is really bad. Will she make it? Is there anything I can do to help?

Chickens are amazing at healing, I had a friend whose hen had been picked up by a hawk then dropped and she survived! One of mine got attacked by a rat and her head was almost falling off, we almost euthanized her but she was still willing to eat and drink so we gave her a chance. She made a remarkable recovery she was perfectly normal after that but she did have a tilt to her head. I would say just keep the chick clean, warm and away from other chickens and she should have a good chance. As for the bleeding, bandage quite tightly with gauze to help it clot (not too tight, you should be about to fit a finger underneath) good luck!
Like the others said, chickens are amazing at healing. I would clean the area, and then put on some Neosporin (without pain killers). It is also important to keep her isolated, as the other chickens will peck at any wounds until they are fully healed. If you have any antibiotics or electrolytes you might consider giving them to her for a little boost.

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