HELP!! Chick trying to hatch, more than 24 hours later, and no progress?


Mar 27, 2019
Hey everyone,
I’ve got a chick in the incubator that’s trying to hatch at the moment, but it’s more than 24 hours since the first crack appeared and it still hasn’t hatched. It’s cheating and wiggling around inside the egg still. The humidity dropped way too low during the night so I wasn’t able to see until this morning. I’ve raised the humidity again this morning but I’m wondering if the lining in the shell has hardened too much now? Can I assist it in hatching, and how? Advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
is it making yawning/ chewing motions with its beak? or is it chirping a lot?

If it’s chewing /yawning the chick is still absorbing the last of the yolk and is not ready. However if its making a lot of noise, it’s probably ready to come out and might be having trouble. If that happens, it’s your call whether to assist or not...
Thanks so much for the tips! The power has been off for several hours now, but the chick is still cheeping. I’m not sure what to do as the incubator isn’t running, and I’m not sure how much longer it will be off.

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