Help! Chick with swollen eye suddenly.


5 Years
Oct 18, 2014
Byron, Ga
Can anyone give any advice as to what may be going on with my 6 week old chocolate bantam, all of a sudden it has a swollen inner eye corner, mostly in 1 eye. I posted photos of both eyes. No sneezing, coughing, or breathing trouble. Eating and drinking fine. I have isolated it from the other 3 chicks I bought with this one( a silkie, showgirl and an Orpington)- they all seem fine.
These chicks are inside under a heat lamp. I have no introduced them to my 4 outside hens( white rocks all almost 2 years old)

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry about your baby.
Looks like she may have a sinus infection. Possibly some sort of respiratory infection. You will want to post this in our emergency section for more help...

They will no doubt want you to start her on antibiotics. I am just not sure which medicine is best for a sinus infection.

I hope you can get her back to good health soon!!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry about your birds!

Defiantly check out the link provided by Two Crows.

Good luck!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm sorry your chick is having a problem with it's eye. Definitely post on our Emergency link that TwoCrows has left you with. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I hope your chick's eye recovers soon.
Can anyone give any advice as to what may be going on with my 6 week old chocolate bantam, all of a sudden it has a swollen inner eye corner, mostly in 1 eye. I posted photos of both eyes. No sneezing, coughing, or breathing trouble. Eating and drinking fine. I have isolated it from the other 3 chicks I bought with this one( a silkie, showgirl and an Orpington)- they all seem fine.
These chicks are inside under a heat lamp. I have no introduced them to my 4 outside hens( white rocks all almost 2 years old)
Either of these drugs should treat this from what I think is a sinus infection....

Follow the directions on the package. Hope she makes a full recovery! :)

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