help! chicken fights and jealosy???

ginger c.

8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
We're posting this here because it is more a behavior issue (we think) than injury.

Our 24-week-old RIR (Ruby) has been the top hen in our flock for a while. Our rooster has gotten up on everyone except her. Today, our EE pullet Tillie started attacking Ruby. It looks like Tillie is grabbing her by the neck and trying to hold her down so the roo can mount her. Is this normal?

It has Ruby terrified. To complicate matters, she has a scratch and a little dried blood on her ear. I think Tillie may be going after that now as well. Once it gets dark can we put them in the coop together?

Is all of this because they are all having hormone fits? Neither Ruby nor Tillie is laying yet. One of the other hens has been laying for a week and a 4th gave us her first egg today. Is this like massive PMS? Is Tillie jealous Ruby has been able to outrun the roo so far?

Oh and can we put neosporin or something on the cut or should we leave it alone?

I know I just dropped a ton of questions on y'all, but I also know y'all can handle it. This is the best place for info.

Thanks in advance,

GC and her sometimes DH

Any idea why thy might be doing this? And/or how to keep it from happening in the future?

Right now, we put the EE in a tractor by herself. The others don't seem to have a desire to attack the RIR.

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