Help..chicken making weird sounds


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
He sounds hoarse when he peeps.It just started after he gobbled into his food tonight.He wont drink now but he has been drinking today.Hes been sneezing.This all started after the food thing.He drank some water then shot out a poop of just pure water...but otherwise hes doing good.Hes just hoarse and he digs at his mouth..any ideas?Can they get colds from people because we have had colds but everyone has been real careful around him.
Could have gotten something stuck in his throat.

How old is your roo?

What are you feeding?

Were there any symptoms before today? Nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, eyes running?

Can you check his throat by very gently opening his mouth (if he's not already holding it open) and checking to see if there is a blockage ~ hay, straw, feed, or even something less common like gapeworm? (these will look like whitish or pinkish threads in the throat)
our roo is 9 weeks old.All he eats is chick starter.Hes in inside chicken...We are always watching him.No hay..It just happened after he gabbled down some hes singing to himself,looking at himself and watching cartoons.

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