Help! Chicken not developed/umblicial cord attached


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2016
This guy was the second chick to pop but took 24 hours to zip, now he's hatched and there's a lot of runny yolk around his egg and a long yolky string with a red vein through it attached to his bum. Something seems to be coming out of its bum and its bleeding a bit so I'm worried it's eviscerating itself :(

Is this something that will dry up on its own or are we in trouble? No one tried any assisted hatching or anything like that, I guess he just came out too early or something? Please let me know what I should do!
It will dry up I’m pretty sure just let it do it’s thing don’t worry this happens to lots of chicks if it doesn’t after 48 hours then maybe your in trouble but most likely not
Thank you!! I feel so bad especially since this is the chick I would talk to when it stuck its little beak out of the pipped hole and it would cheep back at me, haha. I was sooo excited to see him finally hatching because I was getting worried but now I wish he'd stayed in there a little longer. I hope the poor thing ends up being okay :(
ugg, put it in a cup so it cant move around or other chicks cant peck it. Its hard to say really. After it dries some put some antibiotic ointment on there. Judge by its actions. If it keeps getting weaker you might consider culling it but give it a chance. Did you help it out ? Keep humidity up as well for it. Most do this by leaving it in the incubator
ugg, put it in a cup so it cant move around or other chicks cant peck it. Its hard to say really. After it dries some put some antibiotic ointment on there. Judge by its actions. If it keeps getting weaker you might consider culling it but give it a chance. Did you help it out ? Keep humidity up as well for it. Most do this by leaving it in the incubator
Thank you!! The other two chicks that had hatched and were pecking at him were dry so we moved them to the brooder with their firstborn sibling now, and we have the injured chick in this for now

The prolapsed looking part on his bum also seems to have gone in now and our humidity is currently at 66 percent. What kind of antibiotic cream should we use, like what brand is safe?
triple antibiotic like neosporin but brand dont matter off brand. I personally wouldnt use the one with pain reliever . the "cains". I have just recently heard you can but it has always been not to So why take a chance ? It looks much better but put something in the bottom of the bowl so it isnt slippery. paper towel maybe. wash cloth,...
triple antibiotic like neosporin but brand dont matter off brand. I personally wouldnt use the one with pain reliever . the "cains". I have just recently heard you can but it has always been not to So why take a chance ? It looks much better but put something in the bottom of the bowl so it isnt slippery. paper towel maybe. wash cloth,...
Thank you so much for the tips! Unfortunately it seems we're having some bad luck this hatch, as the next egg to hatch had stopped in the middle of zipping for hours and it looked like the membrane was stuck to it. He was pushing hard but the membrane just kept stretching and he couldn't get free even after parts of the shell fell off. Little guy finally hatched a few min ago but has either intestine or some of the egg sack hanging out of it! We put the chick that was doing better (he's walking around peeping and seems fine, no blood or anything anymore) out of the bowl and switched this guy in instead. I took the paper towel out so the hanging thing won't dry to it... but I'll put them back in if it's better for the chick that I do. What can I do for this one?? And is that the yolk sac after all or is it intenstine?
Oh he might be ok it’s the yolk I know what to do first get a yogurt container that’s empty and clean and set him in it so his butt is on the bottom of the yogurt container and he should suck it in he has maybe a 60-70% chance of living
Oh he might be ok it’s the yolk I know what to do first get a yogurt container that’s empty and clean and set him in it so his butt is on the bottom of the yogurt container and he should suck it in he has maybe a 60-70% chance of living
Thank you so much!! Apologies for the late reply, but we did this for a little while and he's now happy and healthy along with his siblings :) The original chick this thread was about is doing great too! We only had one loss (which was a chick that was almost fully developed but died in the egg, sadly).

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