Help! Chicken not doing well! Please help!


Apr 19, 2022
Just this morning, I saw my Rhode island red hen is standing withdrawn from the flock, her comb and wattle are a pale pink, and she's constantly closing her eyes, and slightly tossing/shaking her head a little but often, ive seen her drink water, and she stands normal, her wings are held normal but when she walks its very slow and she looks almost lethargic.
Just thw day before she was out foraging with the flock as usual, she was having fun and doing well, and now today she just seems Sick.
I've added prebiotic and apple cider vinegar to her water and she drank some. She's been standing in the shaded corner all day.
I'm worried for her and want to know what I can do to help her, and any diagnostics others may have. Everything helps! Thanks.
Quarantine her and keep up with the apple cider vinegar in her water, add some vitamins to it and electrolytes. Also they sell this stuff at Tractor Supply the b-12 will give her some energy and help her fight off whatever is happening in her body and vitamins are always good. I gave my girl when she was sick the poultry store respiratory and the poultry store dewormer it helped her. Give her scrambled egg with some of the pictures stuff Below in it also mealworms or black soldier fly larvae can give her some extra protein and buy her some high protein feed like 30% game bird feed that should help. I had a hand with some of the same symptoms and after doing this she perked right up and got better
Just this morning, I saw my Rhode island red hen is standing withdrawn from the flock, her comb and wattle are a pale pink, and she's constantly closing her eyes, and slightly tossing/shaking her head a little but often, ive seen her drink water, and she stands normal, her wings are held normal but when she walks its very slow and she looks almost lethargic.
Just thw day before she was out foraging with the flock as usual, she was having fun and doing well, and now today she just seems Sick.
I've added prebiotic and apple cider vinegar to her water and she drank some. She's been standing in the shaded corner all day.
I'm worried for her and want to know what I can do to help her, and any diagnostics others may have. Everything helps! Thanks.
Have you checked for injuries? Egg binding? Is she standing like a Penguin? Please don't treat her with anything besides vitamins until you can confirm the issue, it could cause issues.
Have you checked for lice/mites? What is her poop like? Is she eating? Any discharge from her nose or eyes. How is her crop? Pics and as much information as possible would be really helpful. :)
Have you checked for injuries? Egg binding? Is she standing like a Penguin? Please don't treat her with anything besides vitamins until you can confirm the issue, it could cause issues.
She doesn't appear to have any injuries, and she doesn't look egg bound at all, she actually has been doing a little better as of lately, she was able to reach the top roost to sit with her friends. Im going to continue her on thw vitamins and apple cider vinegar,
Have you checked for lice/mites? What is her poop like? Is she eating? Any discharge from her nose or eyes. How is her crop? Pics and as much information as possible would be really helpful. :)
No sign of mites or lice, her poop looks pretty average, she is eating and drinking without any assistance from me, and her eyes and nose are dry and normal, she's locked up now for thw night so I'll check her crop to see in the morning if it emptied properly. Sadly getting pics now would be hard as it's night and dark outside.
She has perked up and seems better as of lately, im going to continue her on the Vitamins and electrolytes
How is she doing?

Has she laid an egg? If not, then I would get some Calcium Citrate with D3 and give her 1 tablet daily for a few days.
The symptoms you describe sounds like she's having some reproductive problems or difficulty expelling an egg.
Get a fecal float to see if worms might be part of the issue or if that's not possible, then deworm her using an anthelmintic. You can find Safeguard Liquid Goat dewormer at TSC. Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.

Do make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If it's not, then addressing that symptom is a good idea as well.

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