I hate to be slow.. But exactly how do you put spicy mustard in their eggs? I have two Jersey Giants that are about a year old. I bought them to breed little Giants, and they have been here about a week. I thought they were stepping on their eggs by accident, but now I am pretty sure they are eating them.
I hate to be slow.. But exactly how do you put spicy mustard in their eggs? I have two Jersey Giants that are about a year old. I bought them to breed little Giants, and they have been here about a week. I thought they were stepping on their eggs by accident, but now I am pretty sure they are eating them.
I hate to be slow.. But exactly how do you put spicy mustard in their eggs? I have two Jersey Giants that are about a year old. I bought them to breed little Giants, and they have been here about a week. I thought they were stepping on their eggs by accident, but now I am pretty sure they are eating them.
What I did was use a thumb tack to poke a small hole in the egg, and wiggle it around so you get a hole about the size of the nozzle of the spicy mustard bottle. Then, continue to poke the inside until you break the egg and wash out the inside. Fill with spicy mustard, wipe of any excess you got on the shell, and place in the coop. Hope this helped!
Eating eggs is a sign of an imbalance in diet.

usually they are craving the calcium in the shells.

Make shure you have a good supply of 16% or better protein layer feed, and provide free access oyster shell. (grit also)
What I have found that works is to save all of my shells from cooking with their eggs until I have a bowl full of empty shells, microwave them for about 6 minutes (depending on your microwave) or bake them on a low heat, crush them up and feed that to them. My friends do this too and it's cheaper than oyster shells and it recycles their calcium! Hope this helps out :)
My chickens like mustard too.
One thing- birds can't taste spiciness.
What I have found that works is to save all of my shells from cooking with their eggs until I have a bowl full of empty shells, microwave them for about 6 minutes (depending on your microwave) or bake them on a low heat, crush them up and feed that to them. My friends do this too and it's cheaper than oyster shells and it recycles their calcium! Hope this helps out :)

That's what I do, too, and that works providing you've got a decent shell to begin with. That's not likely the case here. If the hen is eating her own eggs because she needs calcium, it's likely her own shell is calcium deficient and it isn't going to be much help feeding it back to her. She needs another source of calcium and the easiest would be oyster shells.

Putting mustard in the egg shell not only sounds like a lot of messy work, it doesn't get to the root of the problem as to why the hen is eating her own eggs. It's quite likely that she's in need of protein and an egg is some of the best protein there is. It's certainly the easiest protein for a chicken to find. I'd suggest they increase her protein via the addition of meat to her diet or by fermenting her feed and also give her a 24/7 source of oyster shell. It's likely that the egg eating will resolve itself once the underlying cause is defined and resolved.
I had took a hen from a friend who had eaten eggs for over a year. Come to find out she was blind in one eye and was very skiddish. Evidently she wasnt getting to the food or oyster shell that was out for the chickens. Since she was skiddish she stayed in the coop a lot. I think she ate the eggs out of hunger. Once I got her here, I put a feeder and some oyster shell in the coop and her egg eating stopped.

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