Help! - Chickens won't stop tearing up flower beds!!!


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
St. Amant, LA
Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep chickens from digging someplace else other than our landscape?
I know they love the loose sandy soil and mulch, and I've made them a separate "bathing" box with loose dirt in it,
but they run straight to the flower beds when I let them out to roam. I guess I might have to buy some real rich
potting soil and put in their box, and maybe water it frequently. I love to let them roam, but I'm repairing the mulch
every time. Anyone experienced this before?
My chickens LOVE mulch. IT seemed like such a good landscaping idea for years, then I got chickens. Now I'm thinking that the mulch has to go! They spread the stuff all over the place, and are smothering the lawn. I can't even find the brick path to my front door.

But they do so love to be out. For now, I just kind of ignore it. But future landscaping will be mulch free! I've heard they do better with rocks....
Fencing off your garden is the only way to make sure they stay out. And you'll have to make sure it's a fence with a narrow (or non-existant) top, so they can't land on it. Somehow, chickens won't fly over something they can't land on, first. They look things over, make a goal of a landing spot at the top, then fly down to your garden.
I rake the stuff up, about once a week, and call it good. I've made peace with not having a perfect yard, now that I have chickens. It's just was easier not to sweat it. Otherwise, I've learned, Mother Nature has a way of getting even, if you know what I mean.

BTW, my birds are able to kick around gravel pretty good. They can't kick big rocks tho'.

ETA: here is another idea. I've learned that they will gravitate where the soil is richest and loose. So a mulched area is bound to be terrific "hunting" ground for little bugs and insects. Packing down the soil around your garden plants will kill them, so that's not an option. The more you want your birds to be elsewhere, the more work you'll have to do. I have a big pile of leaves in a compost stage, lying under a tarp. It's a huge pile, and it is tall. Every so often, I uncover this pile and let them dig down through it -- which occupies them for about a day or two. After that, I have to rake it back together & find new entertainment for them, if I dont' want them to dig somewhere else.
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Man, I thought that was my house for a second! We'll I'm glad others are having the same issue.
My next plan is to come up with a "bathing box" plan that will hopefully keep them away from the landscape.
Heck, I'll even put some plants in there if they'd like.
Ditto... my garden is dead... *sigh*
But i just feel so darn bad not letting them out in my yard to eat grass and chase bugs and and and... dig up my flowers...
You'd feel much better if I posted a picture of the damage mine have done. It looks like bombs have been dropped. Who won, you or the chickens? Did you put a fence up?

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