Help - Chicks panting and not sure what to do

Our humidity has been so high I don't think the wet cloth would work. They had fun playing with the ice cubes, and will give them ice and frozen berries when it gets hot tomorrow.
Hello- can you tell me what's on the ground of the run? is it a mixture of dirt and some kind of straw? I am in Houston and am having same problem with my chicks panting...
It's a mix of dead leaves, some handfuls of grass we give them every day, and pine shavings over a dirt floor. Need to add some more tomorrow.
Having same problem here near San Antonio. Pretty much no breeze today. Just put my chicks out there yesterday. I’m going to apply ppl’s suggestions and as ice to another water source.
On the sides of the coop that are metal do you have part of that side open? I have a similar setup as you. On my west wall is metal but the top 18 inches are open but covered with hardware cloth. On the hotter days we wet down the dirt floor of their coop. I live near Somerville and it is very humid here on a regular basis and mine seem fairly comfortable but on the hottest days they will pant. I don't worry cause we keep fresh water and offer electrolytes too.
We have been wetting down the ground near the front of the coop when it gets hot. We also applied two coats of white rubberized coating on the roof, and might do the walls when we get a chance. I also mixed a batch of Hydro Hen and use that to make ice cubes with frozen blueberries in them. It's hilarious when they manage to peck the blueberry enough to pick up the ice cube and run around with it.
On the sides of the coop that are metal do you have part of that side open? I have a similar setup as you. On my west wall is metal but the top 18 inches are open but covered with hardware cloth. On the hotter days we wet down the dirt floor of their coop. I live near Somerville and it is very humid here on a regular basis and mine seem fairly comfortable but on the hottest days they will pant. I don't worry cause we keep fresh water and offer electrolytes too.
We actually had the entire side of the coop open. The doors are five feet wide. We have that covered with chicken wire that can be moved for us to do what we need to. We have electrolytes in the water. We don’t have the run completed, so the coop floor is wood (no dirt). We brought them back inside that day. So, as long as we provide plenty of cool water with electrolytes, ice, open doors, and maybe a bin with dust bath, they may be fine? It’s ok if they’re panting? Or maybe I should wait until they can access the dirt ground, where it may be cooler?

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