Help! chicks sneezing!


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
North Western Wisconsin
my chicks were born on the 16th of October have been doing great until recently. My flock outside is sick with some sort of respiratory illness(sneezing, sniffles) I have them on Duramycin-10?? i think some sort of powder antibiotic. i think they are doing better... today i noticed some of my chicks sneezing a lot could i give them the same thing? does anyone know how to dose it? Ive never had sick chicks before really worried!
any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
You'll have to be careful between the mature flock and your chicks. Wash hands with soap and water in between visiting flocks. The best two soluble powder antibiotics you could use in water would be Tylan, or LS-50

Dosage for LS-50 is 1tsp per gallon of water, Tylan 1/2 tsp, making a fresh solution each day for 5-7 days. I know the Revival AH site recommends Tylan @ 1 tsp per 5 gallons of water, but you want the birds to get enough each day to combat symptoms. I've done it both ways and found faster results with 1/2 tsp Tylan per gallon.

Call up your local feed store to see if they have either in stock. Many feed stores carry one or the other.

Follow up with vitamin & probiotic powder in the waterers for at least 3 days after.
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