Help choosing a breed

You are in the mountains of northern New Mexico. How cold does it get there? Leghorns get frostbite on their combs in very cold weather. Leghorns are flighty, or skittish around people. But Leghorns are the best at laying eggs.

A very good breed that handles hot and cold weather well and is one of the best at laying brown eggs is the Rhode Island red.

You can order from a hatchery and then pick them up at your local post office.

Privett Hatchery is located in New Mexico.

It gets about 40-50* around this time of the year and still feel warm... So Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, Barred Rocks, and EEs are the best for my area? Hmm, thank you very much for the Hatchery lead. :D

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