Help. Clear stool.


10 Years
Feb 9, 2009
I have a 4 week old chick that is having clear stool with a very small amount of brown in it. It is mainly a clear liquid. I can post a picture if necessary. I'm sure everyone would love to see it. What should I do?
Hello and Welcome to BYC!

Please post a picture of the stool to give us a better idea if there might be a problem or not.

Is the chick eating, drinking and/or acting normal?

Looking forward to helping you!

I agree with the other posts. If you :cdhave a picture, please post it. One picture is worth a thousand words.
Thanks. The site with the pictures posted helped. She is acting normal and doing fine. I was away and I don't think my caretaker was as detailed.
i remember having that happen here, and I remember finding the answer in that link. but the reason Im posting this is to tell you that one of my young chicks has recently been passing pure blood. she was sitting all blown up and looked very sick for a few days and then the blood went away and she looks fine now go figure.

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