HELP! Clueless!!!!!!! Sick 10 week old


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2023
6 days ago our 10 week old Rhode Island started having white diarrhea and moving around extra slow!
A day later I noticed she was ruffled and would completely isolate from the others and just stand still. We then isolated her completely with little food and water mixed with ACV. She barely touches it but definitely has been drinking more than eating. White/yellow vent fleet and I noticed her feet are turning in…
Any ideas?!?! I’m clueless.
Get rid of the ACV because it does nothing for a sick chicken. Offer clean water, electrolytes in water, or Poultry NutriDrench given orally can help if dehydrated. Is it hot there? Can you put out several smaller water and feed stations, where all can find food in case they are being kept from it? Is her vent just dirty or is it raw with missing feathers and burned red skin? Keep her cleaned off with a soapy water butt bath, easy to do in a bucket or dishpan. Diarrhea itself can cause a messy vent. Flies this time of year may lay maggot eggs, and cause fly strike, a deadly condition. Look for maggots on her butt and in droppings. At her age coccidiosis can also be a possible problem. Symptoms include standing around puffed up or lying down, weakness, lethargy and not eating. Corid from your feed store is the treatment. Poop pictures can be helpful.
Thank you!
Her vent is raw and red with missing feathers. I have been bathing her. Definitely hot here. My other chickens are as good as gold for the moment. Here are some pics


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Are the others pecking at her vent? Are they overcrowded, or getting something other than balanced chicken starter grower/all flock feed 20% protein? Since the others are good as gold, I would worry about a more aggressive breed pecking her bottom. You can get some Nustock Cream to put on her clean vent, and that can treat vent gleet or pecking. If it is gleet, which is usually a fungal overgrowth, something like pharmacy miconazole (Monistat cream,) clotrimazole, or Medistatin powder found online can be given orally twice a day.
I greatly appreciate all the input. Our chicken died over night last night.😢😢😢
We live in a suburb, any suggestions on how to dispose dead chickens?
I greatly appreciate all the input. Our chicken died over night last night.😢😢😢
We live in a suburb, any suggestions on how to dispose dead chickens?
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Some landfills accept animals, but you typically have to call them to arrange a time. Otherwise a vets office may take her. I live in the country and have a big compost pile so I haven't been in your position. Others may have other input that have been through this before.
So sorry for your loss. You could bury the body as deeply as possible, freeze in garbage bags until you can ask your vet office to dispose it, or burn it. Do you live near any wooded area? If you want to refrigerate, but not freeze the body, you could take it in to your state vet Monday for a necropsy to see what killed her. Here is a link:

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