Help coming up with a new domain name for dumb people sharing fake stuff on Facebook


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Ok, this is getting worse and I'm getting really frustrated!

I spend a bit of time on facebook and have a lot of connections to many different people with very different opinions.

Usually I skip over anything political, but I keep seeing stuff posted and re-posted / shared that makes me think, "Hmmm... I wonder if that's accurate?" Well, I've decided to look up a few things from time to time on and so far, everything I've checked has been fake. It's amazing and actually kinda sad that people will not only believe anything they read, but then share / propagate it to everyone they know without spending just 2 minutes checking to see if it is fake.

People are going to hate me on FB, but I haven't been able to stop myself from replying to their stuff with a link to snopes saying, "Sorry, I'm not sure this info is correct."

Here is the one that is currently circulating all over the web... has over 550,000 shares... meaning that many people probably believe it! :th


Aside from the fact that NOBODY on the web ever has or will give out money like that for just sharing something is ridiculous, it isn't hard to search the web to find out if it is legit before sharing it with people: see here

SO... this has happened enough times that I'm thinking of starting a fun blog to showcase the worst of the worse of these, but I need help naming it.

What would you call a website / domain for a blog that shows off these things? Something short, sweet, snazzy, fun!

<I apologize in advance if you're one of those people that has been believing this stuff and propagating it over and over... I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about that other person.>
hahaha... maybe something a bit more "friendly" ;)

I'm thinking now of not making it site-specific (so not having FB, etc.) in the URL.

just brainstorming:

Shareless (sharing carelessly) (share less)
It has become really rampant here lately, and not just on FB. I fully support your efforts to rid the net of the new chainletter.
That bill gates one was making the rounds back in the mid 90's, as soon as regular folks started getting online. have to think on a good name...

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