Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

No apologies! If there's a place to find folks who will understand this kind of freak-out, it's here! We've all done it!

I'm glad it's all going well.

If you have any screens from old storm windows, those work well for keeping them in, too.

Best of luck!
AW You're just bein a good chicken momma!!
I hope they continue to get better and this doesn't happen again. Watch their waterer and make sure they aren't playing in it.
thanks you all. i dont feel like such an idiot when everyone insists i am not one! they are sleeping now...some sprawled out near the light and some under in a loose huddle but none as far away as they can get or panting. i guess no more lids for us. we are getting them in a bigger box tomorrow and visiting the re store for a window screen or something else useful! I dont know how i would have handled it if she had not gotten better so quick. i guess she could still turn on me but here's hoping!
The same thing happened to me when I got home last night and I freaked out too. Same situation, we had the tupperware lid over half the brooder to keep the little chicks from hopping out, they are about 2 weeks old now. The litter must have been damp from their spilled water dish and between the heater lamp and the sun coming through the window and hitting the brooder box the poor little chickies were being steamed. They were all damp and huddled as far from the lamp as they could be. They looked horrible! First time its happened and they all seem to have recovered ok. I'll have to try the oven rack as a lid, that sounds like it will work much better.

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