Help! Cross Beak Chick, Refuse To put down!

I have a cross beak of my own and she leads a happy healthy life Thank God. Once a month I trim her beak with nail cutters to keep it from over growing. I feed her mash which is normal layer pellits moistened. She gets more food this way. Watch the birds weight and make sure she eats enough. Soft foods are great although my bird loves to free range and still manages to get grass and bugs. With a little extra help from you the bird will lead a normal life. start trimming the beak young and continue as this condition can worsen when they get older. Kepping her beak trimmed will help her a lot. Any questions feel free to pm me. Not to worry she should be just fine. Best wishes.
I have a silkie hen with severe cross-beak and she is just fine, lives out with all the other chickens and has no problems eating whatsoever. I wouldn't be too worried, Im sure he'll do just fine :) As you can see she has no symmetry at all, I don't do anything special for her food, just check and make sure she isn't too thin and her crop is full, she eats from the hanging feeder just like the other kids

His crop is always SO BIG! So I'm happy I got all of you guys to help me out and telling me not to worry! <3

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