HELP: daughters frizzle is dying :(


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
She is just under age 2, sneezing lots, throwing up..
I have put her on medication (tetracycline hydrochloride) in her water as of today and it doesn't seem to be helping, she is worse tonight. This morning she was eating and drinking now just sleeping huddled up and barely moving :( Is there ANYTHING else I can do??
Have you separated her from everyone else and put her somewhere warm? I am currently running a chicken hospital at my farm! I needed to feed warm water and food to get mine to get her appetite back. They say 80-85 degrees for healing. Also I recommend subcutaneous antibiotics so you know how much they are getting.
She (Cutie Pie) died :( But yes we did seperate her off and have her up in the house..

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