Help diagnosing..possibly mycotoxins?


May 16, 2019
Hi all! I have recently lost a very sweet hen and have another sick with the exact same symptoms. I'm beginning to suspect mycotoxins from moldy feed and am hoping someone can share a similar experience based on symptoms. I've searched through the forums with no luck.

It started off with me noticing dirty vent feathers on one of my hens who was very lethargic. She was just standing and not moving around much. I brought her in and treated for egg binding, that wasn't the problem. She went off her feed and water, had diarrhea, and began to get a swollen, squishy belly that I assumed was water belly. Took her to the vet, he said he thought was enteritis. I believe he caused her to aspirate when giving her oral antibiotics. She died the next day and I was unable to send her in for a necropsy because I did not refrigerate her prior to getting all the necropsy information.

A couple days after she died, I noticed another hen with the same symptoms. I have separated her and started treating for coccidiosis and giving her Tylan, which I believe is what's keeping her alive.

These are Rhode Island Reds that are 2 years old. They have never been ill. I'm having such a hard time diagnosing because all of this happened within 1 to 2 weeks of bringing a new flock in. They are Black Australorps. I knew the flock owner and she has never had any known problems with huge diseases. None of my other chickens seem sick, the Rhode Island Reds or the Black Australorps. I began inspecting and found moldy feed in the chicken tractor that I had kept the Black Australorps in for two weeks when I first got them. I had forgotten and left the feed out after I combined the two flocks, and all of the hens had access to the chicken tractor with the moldy feed.

I confirmed my now sick hen has water belly based on the fluid I drew from her abdomen. So I'm sure the one that died had it as well. My first thought was that the black hens brought Mareck's to my reds since that was one of the causes of water belly. However, it's because tumors from Marek's cause it. I don't believe two weeks is enough time to be exposed to Marek's, develope tumors that cause liver failure, and result in water belly. Then I found out that food poison can cause it as well.

Does this sound like possible mycotoxin poison? I've been ready to send my sick hen off for necropsy because I haven't expected her to live this long (it's been 1 week), but she's still fighting. I know necropsy is the only sure way to know but am hoping for stories of other similar experiences. And possible treatments. Thank you!!!
I had a hen that was paralyzed in thetlegs, she developed a fever, shortly her sister had similar symptoms with complete paralysis wings legs and neck.
I don't know what they had, but she also developed water belly.
I gave injectable penicillin, and also St. John's wort with Coconut oil as it has been anecdotally suggested to help with merricks.
Also gave LOTS of probiotics, nutridrench and vitamin supplements.
I also tube fed the worse hen with water belly for overov week.
It was over 2 months of intensive care but they are now back with the flock.
I do not want to compare what I had with what yours have, but
I'm here to give support until someone with better answers finds the thread!
It could be mycotoxin, if that's the case most treatment is supportive.
Some sources say feeding more protein and selenium and copper sulfate may help
I had a hen that was paralyzed in thetlegs, she developed a fever, shortly her sister had similar symptoms with complete paralysis wings legs and neck.
I don't know what they had, but she also developed water belly.
I gave injectable penicillin, and also St. John's wort with Coconut oil as it has been anecdotally suggested to help with merricks.
Also gave LOTS of probiotics, nutridrench and vitamin supplements.
I also tube fed the worse hen with water belly for overov week.
It was over 2 months of intensive care but they are now back with the flock.
I do not want to compare what I had with what yours have, but
I'm here to give support until someone with better answers finds the thread!

Thank you! I don't have nutridrench and cant get her to drink anything, but I sprinkled probiotic powder and a few drops of poly-vi-sol on her food and mixed it with water and also started yogurt mixed with layer crumble today. Any feed back is better than none! Thank you!
Getting her to drink is very important to help flush toxins.
Have you tried dipping her beak to encourage her?
If not getting a sterile feeding tube for chickens and tube feeding her water will be a life saver.
Mine would not eat or drink iether.
This is the tubing my vet gave me
I would ask your vet for a tube


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Getting her to drink is very important to help flush toxins.
Have you tried dipping her beak to encourage her?
If not getting a sterile feeding tube for chickens and tube feeding her water will be a life saver.
Mine would not eat or drink iether.
This is the tubing my vet gave me
I would ask your vet for a tube
I tried dipping her beak, dripping it on the grass in front of her (don't know why but sometimes that helps), and dropping it with a medicine dropper onto her beak. She is totally not interested. I will try the tube feeding
Mycotoxins produce severe immunosuppresion. Aspergillosis might be the cause and can cause death. I recommend that you go ahead and get a necropsy performed on your sick hen. I suspect there might be multiple issues going on.
It might be too late for a flush, but here's a link; scroll down to LAXATIVE SOLUTIONS:

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