Help, Did my hen go broody?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Western Washington
So my mixed flock as reached 20 weeks and we've been blessed with two eggs this week. Both eggs were white in color so I assume they came from my white leg horns. I've been removing the eggs as soon as a find them but I've had one fake easter egg in each box to encourage the other four birds who haven't layed yet to lay in the boxes. Today my RIR has been making a ton of noise. So I went out to check on her and shes running in and out of the coup. I thought she layed an egg. Alas when i checked the box no egg. Now my RIR has spent the last hour sitting in the box on the fake egg. Shes made a nice little nest out of the pine and has even added feathers. Shes yelling at the other birds when they come near her. Is she just getting ready to lay her first? Is she going broody over the fake egg? Should I just leave her for now? Advice please.
Mine did this for about a day before she actually laid. Her first egg was bigger than her subsequent eggs, I'm thinking it takes a bit longer to move everything through the first time around and they can feel it and feel the need to "expel" something. I would equate it to Braxton Hicks.

ETA: Braxton Chicks?
Sorry, couldn't help myself, I live puns...
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I agree with subhanalah in that she's probably trying to lay her first. I seriously doubt she has gone broody if she hasn't laid her first egg yet.

She laid an egg! Such a drama queen about it though. The white leg horns have been so quiet. Lol thankfully she seems to be fine now and is walking around the yard looking for bugs. Thanks!

She laid an egg! Such a drama queen about it though. The white leg horns have been so quiet. Lol thankfully she seems to be fine now and is walking around the yard looking for bugs. Thanks!
hahaha! Congratulations! Maybe it has to do with the production types being picked and bred due to their quiet nature. Who wants an industrial hen house full of cackling hens?
Lol I wonder if she'll be this dramatic every time. My assumption is she'll quiet down with practice. Otherwise we'll always know when she's laid an egg.

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