Help do I cull this chick or is there a way to save it?

Farmin Momma

7 Years
Feb 18, 2012
Mill Creek, Wa
So I had a chick hatch today, and it had just a very small amount of the absorbed yolk sack poking out. Then it got worse and the sack began coming back out! Now looks like most of it is out and ruptured as well as bleeding. It is still trying to move around a bunch.

Is there any way to save it? Or should I just cull the poor baby?

Please help!!!!!!
Hello hatch-along buddy. So sorry you have to deal with this : ( Is there any way you can post a pic on here? It's hard to advise someone to cull a chick without seeing it's condition. You explained it well, but I think a pic would help you get more advice. My fingers are crossed for you and the chicky!!

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