Hi. :frow

Yes, smoke can kill chickens...

If you are OK, then they should be too. It's uncomfortable to breath for us. But most should be OK unless they have a particularly weakened immune system. In which case I MIGHT bring them inside with an air purifier. Or my hubby was thinking of building one with the filters for an ac unit strapped onto a box fan.

It was fog like smoke here for a couple weeks and my birds are OK. It may depend on the individual though.

Good luck. :fl
We had bad wildfire smoke in Colorado this summer too. Some folks said it was the worst since 1988 when Yellowstone was burning down. If your state (I forget if is the CDC or the Weather Service) issues a health warning related to the smoke, the level warning where they say stay indoors (I believe this is at 5 miles or less of visibility) this is when I would seriously consider moving my chickens. It doesn't hurt to make an evacuation/relocation plan for them now and get a crate or tote of some sort ready. You will notice the wild birds are mysteriously absent at this point too. Stay safe! I know it's scary when the smoke gets that bad.
They've been out now the whole day.. No signs of getting hurt yet. Checked for weezing, no one was. Infact, our chicken layed their first egg today!
Things happen in mysterious ways! Happy Egging! I'm in California to and we are now getter no strong winds and smoky skies and air. I can't even imagine what those folks are going thru up there.
I'm in Napa, and I hope you are and will be safe from this awful fire. Have an evacuation plan and make sure the chickens have clean water
I'm in the Central Valley so I think we will just have to deal with the smoke in the air, we are windy here a lot. Now you are a different story. I wish you well and you be safe!
Here in 2021 looking for advice due to the BC wildfires. Started raining ash today and got worried, but thanks everybody for sharing their experiences and ideas

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