HELP! Dog tried to eat my silkie hen, now it's run away?


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
This morning I let my three silkies out for a free-range, two hens and a roo. I went inside to get breakfast, listening to the dogs go crazy as always from inside their kennels. Anyway, I came outside and one of the dogs had just managed to climb over the fence surrounding her kennel, and was chasing one of silkie hens. I dropped everything and just sprinted at her, yelling and hollering. I managed to pin the dog to the ground, give her a few slaps (more in anger, but also because we're trying to break her of the habbit). Anyway, the dog had grabbed onto its bum and ripped out a few feathers, and I saw it sprinting off towards one of the paddocks. I don't know whether she actually had been bitten, or just her feathers.

I locked the dog in with one of the other dogs which has a taller fence and went out, searching high and low through the sheds, under our various types of dad's machinery, and I could not find her anywhere.

Would she have run off very far, or just far enough to hide?

Also, is it likely that she will come back to the other two, who are now locked back in their run? The problem with that is that our chicken tractor is situated near the dog kennels, so as to help keep foxes and other predators away from them. Will she be willing to come back even though the dogs are nearby?

I'm quite worried.

Thank you for your time!
Don't worry, it's alright! I went out just after I posted this to have another look, had a good 10 minute look further up the paddock, no sign of her. Returned back, and there she is standing outside the run! WOW! No bite marks either which is great.

Will have to make the dog kennel fence a bit bigger.

Thanks anyway!! :)

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