OMG! I had no idea this happens. Geeze we do really learn alot here. Now I'll be watching my drake closer as we have 3 of his ducklings penned with him and 2 females. I don't know yet what gender these ducklings are.
Not a good idea to have the drake with any ducklings. Drakes often kill ducklings.. even their own.. and are very aggressive to them when they start to get adult feathers.. he will try to dominate and mate with them all... and as they are too young they will get injured if they can't get away from him.

Male ducks can be very aggressive.. often killing females by many drakes climbing on top of her and she drowns.
My boy took 5 days to recover. It was slow but sure. I kept him crated with his own food and water the whole time. Poor thing.
I started giving my older drake melatonin 1x per day per my vets recomendation. It has made a huge difference. He is no longer over breeding and beating up on the younger drakes.
I am very curious about this. I have never heard this before. What exactly does it do? Does it just lower his mating instincts?
Do you give him melatonin as a pill/supplement or in some other way?
I crush up the melatonin and sprinkle it on meal worms. He is quite happy to eat it. Lol!
It mellows him out so he is not so crazy about breeding. It makes you relaxed and in a larger dose helps you to sleep.
Thanks for the info. I know someone who got melatonin supplements but it didnt work for her. Interesting to know it works for ducks!
I crush up the melatonin and sprinkle it on meal worms. He is quite happy to eat it. Lol!
It mellows him out so he is not so crazy about breeding. It makes you relaxed and in a larger dose helps you to sleep.
Could you tell me more about this?

I have a 7 month old pekin who is easily twice the size of my year old khaki campbell drake... My poor little khaki boy has been being assaulted and so now I have them separated... but it seems to be getting worse each time I've tried to reintroduce them..

This is new behavior - my khaki boy (Vernon) enjoyed a good run as the alpha duck up until the last week or so. What's strange is that the Pekin (Donald) seems to have little to no interest in mating with any of the seven females ducks I have... he's just mounting and biting Vernon, and has even been chasing my rooster.
Donald may be big... but I'm pretty sure if my roo decides to fight back Donald is not going to stand a chance.

I have 3mg tabs of melatonin I use for when I have to work night shifts... how much did your vet tell you to give to a duck? Thanks for any advice!!

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