Help duck eggs on day 27 and not pipped internal


6 Years
Oct 26, 2013
Hi my runner duck eggs are on day 27 of incubation and they haven't pipped internally but they are still moving inside the egg. Is there anything I should do to help or not. Any help will be grateful. Many thanks
I just hatched out 5 of my own Indian runner duck eggs and it took them forever once they piped. They piped on Monday and finally hatched on Wednesday. Be patient they are worth the wait! I hadn't hatched duck eggs before and really didn't know what I was doing. Used my little brinsea that only holds 6 eggs. I did put a wet paper towel to add some more moisture on Tuesday and then worried that maybe I had added to much moisture, but they made it and are doing great.
Hi thanks for replying I just worried because they have pipped internally with it being day 27. :fl they will hatch soon. We had three egg under our broody hen one egg got crushed a little and tye membrane went dry so had to help him/her out. The other two hatch on own.

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