Help Duck got stuck in water bucket

Can't hurt to try
Put a rock or something in her bucket so she can get out. I had 2 young hookbills drown , and a silkie get trapped in deep water tub. so I now put rocks in them . And almost lost babies in my waterers , they can get themselves in the darnedest trouble. I have revived 2 babies under warm water and a blowdryer on low. I wouldn't give a bunch of drugs to a duck, birds are sensitive, usually , they just need safe place, to rest and recover and food. ;0)
She is so much better! I was getting worried about her not eating (wouldn't touch the mash even with squished up peas..picky little thing). Yesterday we brought her outside to see her flock and they were all so happy, made my day! :hugs She limped over to the food after greeting everyone, and chowed down. We ended up leaving her in there with her buds. Today she is still limping but is walking on her foot normal ( on the bottom not the top of her foot). She wasn't ever one that would eat from my hands, but when I went out with peas just now, she came right over to me and ate them out of my hand (even pushed one of the drakes out of the way) I am so happy, and want to thank everyone who responded for their advice! :highfive:

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