Help! Duck with swollen toe!


5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Vancouver Island, BC
One of my drakes was limping this morning. I looked at both of his legs and they seemed completely fine but then I turned him over and looked at the bottom of his feet and his right foot looked like this:

Please help!
Looks like bumblefooot. Looks early enough that you should be able to treat him with Epsom salt soaks and topical treatment.

I will be right back with details

Epsom salt compress. 2 tablespoons Epsom salt, half a cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in that. Gently hold the duck and wrap the cloth around the leg and foot. Wait patiently together for ten minutes if you can both go that long.

Epsom salt is a laxative, do not let the duck drink or eat it.

Some members put the Epsom salt water into a flat-bottomed dish and stand the duck in it, holding the duck gently. Remember, no drinking the water.

After the soak, you can use one of two topical treatments.

You do not have to cut the bumble if it is small, you just need to either put triple antibiotic ointment (no painkiller) on the foot twice a day until it clears, which can take 3 or 4 weeks, or follow this advice:

From Haunted55
On July 1st, I found one of my Pekin ducks with what I would consider a bad case of Bumblefoot. Both feet were involved and I'm ashamed to say, the only way I found it was she was limping. One foot had 7 and the other had 3. I was able to grab her and bring her into the house and put her into a warm bath to clean and soak. Two water changes later and softened feet, all I had time to do was paint the bumbles with colorless iodine, (grabbed the wrong stuff), and put her into a dog crate in my house until I could get everything ready to operate and get them gone. Did I mention the thought of this scared me half to death?

Sad to say it took 6 days before i was able to get everything together and someone to help out with the 'cure'. T
here really wasn't much to operate on, even though I was prepared to do just that. No matter how much squeezing or prodding or soaking, there just wasn't anything more to come out, it was all on the scabs that were covering the sores. The swelling was down from the 'marbles' I saw when I first found them. I poured betadine over the ones I had opened and painted the ones that I hadn't again with the iodine and put her back into her crate with clean bedding.
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