
Jul 3, 2017
Modoc County, California
Seems I am using this forum a lot right now. I just got an order from cackle hatchery this morning, and all the chicks (bantams) were alive, but one is acting weird. Can't walk right, keeps falling over, and its head is twisting sideways towards its back. It's chirping a little, but I can't get it to eat or drink. It seems to do worse when I move it under the heating lamp, twisting around on the bedding and gasping, so I don't think that it's chilled. Any suggestions as to how I can help it?

this rushes blood to his little head and put them in a daze so he won't resist food. My guess is he is fatigued
and I hate to say this but after a few days and he does not improve you should put him out because he is suffering. Put him in a container with a lid, them get a cup of viniger and add baking soda. This displaces the oxygen so he just falls asleep and passes

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