Help egg bound Maybe?


May 2, 2016
Trying to help A friend's bird that we picked up yesterday. The bird was not walking but seemed fine other than that. She has she has a crop but is not interested in eating anymore. Her vent is swollen and looks like she has a prolapsed vent but her comb looks fine in her eyes are fine too. Small amounts of watery green and yellow poop is coming out but normal poops. She is breathing as if she has to lay an egg.
Any help would be appreciated. The approximate age of the bird is 10 months.
Can you post photos? Can you gently insert a (preferably glove & lubed, if possible) ginger into her vent and see if you feel an egg? She may need a warm soak. If you can add Epsom salts to the water, even better. Can you offer her some calcium?

If it is a prolapse, you will need to keep the tissue moist with antibiotic ointment. Hemmrhoid cream can help, too. If you soak her, towel her off and then dry her with a hair blow drier. If she is egg bound and/or prolapsed, highly recommend keeping her warm and keeping her in the dark to keep more eggs from building up.

Please keep us posted.
My daughter uploaded the original message and had a hard time with the video. We did give her multiple warm baths using Epsom salt. We used Preparation H. We inserted olive oil for lubrication. She was not wanting to eat and her crop started to feel like sour crop ... She passed away in my hands late last night...
Thank you.... EveryEvery time we lose a bird it's extremely emotional.... This one wantwa even mine.... But I loved her right away.... Heartbroken again....

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