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I put a bottle under her vent area

One of this one

But a smaller one
I wrapped the bottle around with a cloths it
wasnt hot its warm and how do you steam your bathroom
and no I domt have calcium pills or tums
but I am feeding her grit becuase she not having
layers pellets

I mixed paracetamol and sugar in water
and she drinkingnit
Run your shower really hot... not with her in it of course... then close any doors and windows. Do you have any foods with calcium like cheese, yogurt, milk, sardines?
Run your shower really hot... not with her in it of course... then close any doors and windows. Do you have any foods with calcium like cheese, yogurt, milk, sardines?
X2 on the shower. Be sure to shut toilet and turn off extractor fans. As for food with calcium, I wouldn't.

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