Help figuring out what is killing my chickens


5 Years
Feb 23, 2019
South Coast, MA
I apologize in advance for the graphic picture.

This is the second time in a month I've woken up to a dead chicken inside the coop. The neck appears to be ripped open and maybe eaten. Loose feathers laying around the neck area. The head is still attached and I don't see any other wounds or bleeding. The coop is an all in one style with the small attached run. There is a dozen chickens and one rooster in the coop, they've all grown up together. Plenty of nesting space and roosting bars for all. The run is covered in 1/4 inch hardware cloth all around with a roof and hardware cloth on the bottom. I guess something is still making it's way in, I can't imagine the chickens doing this to each other?

Oh gosh I am so sorry for your loss. Can you post a photo of your set up? Do you have a predator apron around to prevent digging, and are there any tiny holes that something could fit in, or even stick a paw in (like raccoon)?
I've recently moved into a new place and the coop came with it. It has hardware cloth over the entire bottom of the run with the bedding over it, hardware cloth around all sides, plexiglass for the windows.
PXL_20230309_151218610 (1).jpg

I looked it over for tunnels or holes in the cloth but couldn't find any.


But upon further inspection I realize there is no cloth covering these 4 inch gaps between the coop and run on the underside. I will be putting more hardware cloth over them today, I suspect whoever it is got in here.

Is there certain predators that eat only the neck and leave the rest of the head and body? I know around my area we have the typical coyotes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, hawks, owls, etc. Perhaps some kind of snake or member of the weasel family? I moved from somewhere a bit more urban and all we had was the occasional fox or hawk so I had much less predator-proofing.
I've recently moved into a new place and the coop came with it. It has hardware cloth over the entire bottom of the run with the bedding over it, hardware cloth around all sides, plexiglass for the windows.View attachment 3426437

I looked it over for tunnels or holes in the cloth but couldn't find any.

View attachment 3426434View attachment 3426436

But upon further inspection I realize there is no cloth covering these 4 inch gaps between the coop and run on the underside. I will be putting more hardware cloth over them today, I suspect whoever it is got in here.
View attachment 3426438

Is there certain predators that eat only the neck and leave the rest of the head and body? I know around my area we have the typical coyotes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, hawks, owls, etc. Perhaps some kind of snake or member of the weasel family? I moved from somewhere a bit more urban and all we had was the occasional fox or hawk so I had much less predator-proofing.
That's a great coop! It could be some sort of weasel or possum. I wonder why the builder didn't cover the eaves? Glad you figured it out.
I think those are floor joists where the coop is stacked on top of the run. But speaking of eaves, better check those too while you're at it! @SouthCoastEasterEgger
The eaves of the roof on the coop and run are completely sealed off, wood to wood. Thanks for reminding me to check! But yeah this section where the floor of the coop meets the run must be the culprit
Do you have mink or fishers in your area? Weasels can get into small spaces and they tend to go for the neck. They are pretty good little predators.
looks exactly like fisher, weasel, marten. They can get into the smallest holes anywhere. From experience, i've watched them drink the blood out of the chicken's neck like a vampire, and leave the chicken there. if they are really hungry, they keep tearing at it's neck until they rip the head off, trying to get more blood to come out. if they massacre your flock, you have a whole heap of headless chickens. If it were a fisher they would ALL be dead, and stacked high. So probably a smaller version, weasel/marten/mink.
every hole larger than 3/4 inch needs to be covered in mesh.
It is very disturbing and traumatic to find them, i am really sorry.

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