HELP FIRST DUCK (and i think hes retarded)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Winder, Ga
Okay i hatched this duck yesterday and it cannot walk it just skoots everywhere .. is this normal ? please please help idk what to do...

I also have a duck egg hatching and its been trying since yesterday and its got some of it cracked open but i dont want him to die in there so should i help him or no...
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What kind of bedding is he on? Make sure it's no to slick or slippery (aka not news paper or anything like that, since it's to hard for them to get good footing)
it's normal - he'll get his land legs in another day or so - sometimes it takes ducks a little longer to get their feet under them.

As long as he's scooting and trying, he's doing great.

What kind of bedding is he on? Make sure it's no to slick or slippery (aka not news paper or anything like that, since it's to hard for them to get good footing)

I have him in a box with no bedding but i just put paper towels down .. and i have shavings should i put them in the bottom?​

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