
6 Years
Jul 7, 2017
Hi All,

I am currently incubating 4 button eggs... I originally ordered 15, but they were stuck in the post too long (about 6 days, shipped 2 days after collection) and most of them didn't make it :(

Today is the 16th day of incubation, and yesterday, since I didn't really see any signs of pipping or movement or anything, and most of them were probably dead, I water-tested them to see which floated and which were sinkers... The four I have left floated just right, but did not bob in the slightest.

What do you think the chances are of these guys hatching? I have a really good incubator that keeps the temp and humidity well, and I tried not to handle the eggs as much as possible (probably just two candling sessions that were unfruitful due to the darkness of the shells). I know I probably shouldn't have done a water-test during the lock-down stage, but I really didn't have too much hope for these guys.

Please give me your advice! There's probably not much to do but wait, tbh... but I have never set any eggs before and I want to try and make this work!

ALSO If you live in the Seattle area and have buttons or button eggs for sale, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me! I want to start my bird family! I aspire to become Seattle's prime Button Breeder :)
It can take up to 22 days.
Best thing to do is wait, but after its been 22 day I'd say that they're gone. When I water tested I could barely see the egg move, so there's hope:)
Hi All,

I am currently incubating 4 button eggs... I originally ordered 15, but they were stuck in the post too long (about 6 days, shipped 2 days after collection) and most of them didn't make it :(

Today is the 16th day of incubation, and yesterday, since I didn't really see any signs of pipping or movement or anything, and most of them were probably dead, I water-tested them to see which floated and which were sinkers... The four I have left floated just right, but did not bob in the slightest.

What do you think the chances are of these guys hatching? I have a really good incubator that keeps the temp and humidity well, and I tried not to handle the eggs as much as possible (probably just two candling sessions that were unfruitful due to the darkness of the shells). I know I probably shouldn't have done a water-test during the lock-down stage, but I really didn't have too much hope for these guys.

Please give me your advice! There's probably not much to do but wait, tbh... but I have never set any eggs before and I want to try and make this work!

ALSO If you live in the Seattle area and have buttons or button eggs for sale, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me! I want to start my bird family! I aspire to become Seattle's prime Button Breeder :)
Just try not to touch them:thumbsup it's hard not to do especially when they're late, but just wait after22 days
It can take up to 22 days.
Best thing to do is wait, but after its been 22 day I'd say that they're gone. When I water tested I could barely see the egg move, so there's hope:)
I've heard it could take that long, but most people I've seen had them out by day 17 or 18... and my incubator ran a little warm (about 100-100.5) so I was thinking that they'd be oddly accelerated if anything. But I will wait... I really, really hope they make it! I also hope that there's at least two hens!
Thanks for the welcome! I haven't heard of Mossyrock, but that's an adorable town name...:)
I'm skimming that thread but I can't really find anyone more local... :(

We are close between St Helens and Rainier but the foothills or just starting into the foothills 21 miles off I-5 it is the same distance to Olympia as Portland is to us.. Riffe Lake is our neighbor as is Morton.. We have no stoplights and we all pickup mail at the post office we all know our neighbors
I've heard it could take that long, but most people I've seen had them out by day 17 or 18... and my incubator ran a little warm (about 100-100.5) so I was thinking that they'd be oddly accelerated if anything. But I will wait... I really, really hope they make it! I also hope that there's at least two hens!
There's always hope:) my condolences if they don't make it:/ it's really hard when they die. It's heartbreaking

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