Help! first time hatching!

He sure does like to talk...a lot...but hot dang, does he have some of the best quality calls I have ever laid eyes on!
did he send you some pics? What colors did he send you pics of? You would LOVE to go see art lungrends ducks then! I have seen both. I actaully went to Art Lundgrends house and saw his. WOW I was suprised some of the ducks could even eat they had such small bills! Freddies (The guy in Kentucky) had great quality call ducks! But it was obvious he focused more on certain colors than others. Like his chocolate, buff, and magpie are beautiful! His other ones are also SOOOO pretty, just not as high quality as arts. But then again Art is one of the best in the country!
Tell me about it. I have a funny story from when Wobs was tiny, I had to get my cat from the vet after he broke his tail, but Hils was at work so I had to take the little one with me. The lady at the desk looked nervous and said they shouldn't have birds inside the building, but I said "I just need to pick up Stu, it should be okay he can't jump out of-" Right as I said that, Wobbles LAUNCHED himself straight up and out of the box I was carrying him in and onto the counter! Needless to say I offered to sterilize the counter and very quickly got my cat and left...
hahahahaha OMG, that's funny, I still want to hear about the Walmart story?????????
Hi guys sorry to use this thread but I have a hatching question. I don't have an incubator and my girl has been sitting on eggs. I'm just letting nature takes its course.. But I checked out the eggs when she is having some food, I don't know what I am looking for. Can anybody tell of these eggs are okay and have babies in then??
The one with the blackish/grayish coloration is a rotten egg. I recently a couple of days ago had t throw on out
All of them but the bottom right one have those grey markings...sniff each one of them, if they smell rotten you need to toss them IMMEDIATELY. The bacteria builds up gas and eventually they'll explode, sending bacterial soup all over the other eggs and even the mama. It's a recipe for disaster.

But that's if they're rotten. What kind of ducks are they? Is there a breed of duck that lays marble-patterned eggs?
I smelt them and they didn't smell rotten. I tossed the two darker ones as I read elsewhere that they were rotten. I thought it was an outline of a duckling I could see and that's where I was getting confused!
The dad is khaki campbell and mum is a buff orpington, so I don't think they have special eggs.
I smelt them and they didn't smell rotten. I tossed the two darker ones as I read elsewhere that they were rotten. I thought it was an outline of a duckling I could see and that's where I was getting confused!
The dad is khaki campbell and mum is a buff orpington, so I don't think they have special eggs.

So none of them smelled rotten, even the dark ones? I admit they LOOK rotten, but it's the smell that's a dead giveaway! You won't be able to see the outline of a baby without candling, the shell is completely opaque. So if the eggs start to look grey like that then they're probably not fertile. But when it comes to any living thing, my motto is triple-check before tossing anything!
They definitely had no smell. The shells were not opaque at all, they were all black nearly. I haven't thrown them in the bin or anything I just removed them from the nest as I freaked out and didnt want it to burst under my girl. I'm very confused now - but it seems as though they were bad because they were so black/grey. This is the 3rd time my broody girl has sat on eggs with no luck, is there anything I can do to help her??
They definitely had no smell. The shells were not opaque at all, they were all black nearly. I haven't thrown them in the bin or anything I just removed them from the nest as I freaked out and didnt want it to burst under my girl. I'm very confused now - but it seems as though they were bad because they were so black/grey. This is the 3rd time my broody girl has sat on eggs with no luck, is there anything I can do to help her??

Opaque just means you can't see through it. :p If they started out white but then turned that color that's not a good sign, but if they don't smell bad then that's weird, for sure. Did you try candling them?

As for your hen, if there's no fertility then your drake could be shooting blanks.

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