Help! Gander has diarrhea and then something hangs out!

Thanks everybody! I really am thankful for all of the concern for him. He is still eating and drinking fine and seem to be in a minimal amount of pain now. The penis is not as swollen now as it was but there is still a lot of bruising on it. I am still washing it three times daily and using neosporn on it but it is still starting to have some tissue did at the end of it. I will update with any changes. I don't think there is much I can do for my guy but maybe this will help anyone else with this problem in the future. I believe now we are waiting for the tissue to die and then I will trim it and try to see if that will help as well as watch for infection.
What happens when you snip off the dead part? will there be bleeding? pain? did the vet give you instructions on how to do this and what to expect?
The vet gave me instructions to just ship off the dead tissue. It shouldn't hurt because it has died off and it shouldn't bleed either. The tip did turn black and he has been biting at it so I snipped off about a quarter of an inch. When I did the penis went back up into the body. So far it has stayed for two days. So good news! He is still acting fine and eating and drinking normally. A little grumpy but ill let that slide. I can't say I blame him. I will continue to keep an eye on him but so far everything seems to be going good.
That's very interesting, if he's retained some penis length and his body has recovered ability to retrieve it to its normal resting place, he may still become a father in future. Lucky guy if so, that's a near miss! I saw something very similar happen with a cat, but he was also castrated so he'll never breed. His case was much worse too, the penis was pulled out through a hole cut into the bottom of his left scrotal sac where it got stuck for a few months. Not good at all.

Best wishes.
I am no expert here but I would get the book wrote by holderead of holderead waterfowl he is a expert on water fowl and I am sure I read about prolapses in there
The vet gave me instructions to just ship off the dead tissue. It shouldn't hurt because it has died off and it shouldn't bleed either. The tip did turn black and he has been biting at it so I snipped off about a quarter of an inch. When I did the penis went back up into the body. So far it has stayed for two days. So good news! He is still acting fine and eating and drinking normally. A little grumpy but ill let that slide. I can't say I blame him. I will continue to keep an eye on him but so far everything seems to be going good.
That is great news. Happy for you both.

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