Help! Gosling kicked out of nest! - Update! Photo of babies

Oneacre Homestead

8 Years
May 25, 2011
Hi, my goose has been sitting on a nest for about 29 days - well I went out today to check on them and there was a little gosling lying on the ground about three feet from the nest. I went in and the gander stepped on him , didn't seem to know he was there! I picked the little guy up and he was chilly. It was in the shade and I have no idea how long he was there. I brought him in and put him under a heat lamp. he is peeping but seems kind of weak, like his head is a bit wobbly and his legs don't work quite right. Also, he has a weird belly button thing. It is skin colored, a tiny doughnut shape. Is this normal for a hours old gosling, or is something wrong with him? My geese are first timers. I wonder if they are going to kick the rest of them out too? he is peeping away here. I dipped his beak in water but don't know what else to offer him. I could chase the geese away from the nest and try to put him back in there... I could give him to a broody hen..... I wonder if any more are going to hatch.. None of the rest of the eggs are chipped or anything. I picked up the eggs and some were heavy and some were light.
I have never hatched any geese here before... Anyone have any insight?
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Hi, my goose has been sitting on a nest for about 29 days - well I went out today to check on them and there was a little gosling lying on the ground about three feet from the nest. I went in and the gander stepped on him , didn't seem to know he was there! I picked the little guy up and he was chilly. It was in the shade and I have no idea how long he was there. I brought him in and put him under a heat lamp. he is peeping but seems kind of weak, like his head is a bit wobbly and his legs don't work quite right. Also, he has a weird belly button thing. It is skin colored, a tiny doughnut shape. Is this normal for a hours old gosling, or is something wrong with him? My geese are first timers. I wonder if they are going to kick the rest of them out too? he is peeping away here. I dipped his beak in water but don't know what else to offer him. I could chase the geese away from the nest and try to put him back in there... I could give him to a broody hen..... I wonder if any more are going to hatch.. None of the rest of the eggs are chipped or anything. I picked up the eggs and some were heavy and some were light.
I have never hatched any geese here before... Anyone have any insight?
I don't think at this point I'd put him back with the geese or with a broody hen being weak she may kick him out too then you may loose him all together, the belly button thing will dry up completely don't do anything to it. do you have any electrolytes or poultry vitamins? or put a tiny bit of sugar in his water just to give him a kick start, then pick up some electrolytes and or poultry vitamins. If he just hatched today he may not eat for a few days but you maybe able to dribble enough water at his bill that he gets some fluids in him. I'd just keep him dry and warm and hopefully if anymore hatch and the parents start taking care of them you'll be able to put this one in with them. Please let us know how it goes.
Sounds like you are doing great with the gosling -- the belly button thing is probably where it absorbed the yolk. I'd keep it in the house/under the heat lamp for a few days so you can take care of it -- especially since none of the other eggs had holes in the outer shell, and also because the parents seem confused.

When my goslings hatched they pretty much lay around for the first 24 hours or so - what you are describing sounds like how my goslings were right out of the shell. It should get stronger and stronger if it is going to make it. Hopefully you caught it in time and it will have a chance.

Keep checking the nest as often as you can, just in case some more eggs hatch and the geese don't notice them again. If the geese seem like they are ignoring the new babies I'd put them under the heat lamp, and then try to reintroduce them to your geese when they were larger . . . most geese love goslings no matter when they see them . . .
I really appreciate your replies! I think he is doing better! He can hold up his head and I think he may have taken a sip of the sugar water. It looks like his legs are better too, and he is standing up and cheeping like, hey! where is everybody? We put a little toy duck in there and he snuggled up to it! I hope he gets a sib! I am going to be checking on the nest!
thanks again!
I really appreciate your replies! I think he is doing better! He can hold up his head and I think he may have taken a sip of the sugar water. It looks like his legs are better too, and he is standing up and cheeping like, hey! where is everybody? We put a little toy duck in there and he snuggled up to it! I hope he gets a sib! I am going to be checking on the nest!
thanks again!
Hows the gosling this morning? any more hatched?
Excellent job so far and what good luck finding him before he couldn't be saved. That would have been very sad.

It is perfectly normal for newborn goslings to act a bit drunk, shaky on their feet, and be unable to hold their heads up for extended periods of time. Think about the fact that they have been rolled in a tight ball and never used those muscles and then are suddenly out in the light, smells, etc. After several hours they are up and running about peeping like crazy.

As to the belly button. It sounds like he hatched a bit early and the yolk had just absorbed. Keep it clean and dry and maybe put a bit of iodine on the button in the center. Otherwise, that will go away and be covered by fluff in no time at all. The ones born like that here just take a bit longer to get going than the rest. Just keep a watch on it and make sure it hasn't gotten infected (no bright redness, swelling, or excess heat).

Good luck with your goslings and keep an eye on the nest, especially if they are first time parents: They may not be any good at it and you may end up being mom.
Hi! Well we had so much fun with our little gosling, who turned out to be fine! I am so glad I found him, her. He really had some personality. He did not like his stuffed duck friend for long. When I would put him under the heat lamp he would cheep frantically because he was all alone. He was thowing himself againt the side of the box and when i went to bed he would not stop so finally he spent most of the night on my tummy under a down blanket!!! He was very happy. Dh was out of town! Anyway, i figured i would find him a friend today (back to mom, another lonely hatchling, broody chicken) This morning I went out and there was one more hatchling, but this one was in the nest and the mama kept tucking him in, so I finally brought our little one out there and chased the parents a few feet away so I could put him in and not lose any skin. Boy were they mad!! She tucked them both under her and hissed at me angrily! Im going to keep checking on them, but they seem to be doing fine for now, yay!

thanks so much!!

How long should I wait before removing the rest of the eggs?

Do you leave the swimming water in the pen if it is a baby pool? I was afraid of drowning so I took it out.
Hi! Well we had so much fun with our little gosling, who turned out to be fine! I am so glad I found him, her. He really had some personality. He did not like his stuffed duck friend for long. When I would put him under the heat lamp he would cheep frantically because he was all alone. He was thowing himself againt the side of the box and when i went to bed he would not stop so finally he spent most of the night on my tummy under a down blanket!!! He was very happy. Dh was out of town! Anyway, i figured i would find him a friend today (back to mom, another lonely hatchling, broody chicken) This morning I went out and there was one more hatchling, but this one was in the nest and the mama kept tucking him in, so I finally brought our little one out there and chased the parents a few feet away so I could put him in and not lose any skin. Boy were they mad!! She tucked them both under her and hissed at me angrily! Im going to keep checking on them, but they seem to be doing fine for now, yay!
thanks so much!!
How long should I wait before removing the rest of the eggs?
Do you leave the swimming water in the pen if it is a baby pool? I was afraid of drowning so I took it out.
you did good to remove it at least till they get their legs under them better then gradually start with small shallow things for them to play in. So happy to hear he is doing so good and mama has taken him back Just the way it should be...I am not sure on how long to leave the eggs in the nest since she may have a few more hatch. What breed are your geese... I hope you'll post pics when you get a chance.
Oh, I'm so glad it got to go back to the parents -- and that it has company! I'd give them at least another day. I took my pool away from the babies also, just for the first few days . . . I used a bucket for the parents so they could still wash their faces, but it was too tall for the babies to even drink out of, and had an old chicken waterer for the babies that worked for the first week or so when they didn't need deeper water.
Here are the hatchlings! I tried to zoom in so you could see the cute little guy looking at me. They are Buffs. Mom and dad are doing a good job! The is dad giving me the evil eye in the photo. They only have the two. I risked life and limb again and took out the rest of the eggs. I'm glad I did! They stunk to high heaven!! Thanks again peeps!
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