Help hatching disaster - a few questions!


7 Years
Apr 6, 2016
SW France
I've had 24 eggs split between 2 broodies and an incubator. It has been an absolute disaster we are now end of day 22 heading to day 23 and I have 1 CHICK :hit:hit:hit

My biggest concern at this stage is the broody who has no chick. I have found someone who has 15 day old chicks - I'm guessing that is too old to try to put with her? What are my options if I can't get my hands on a chick? She has been sitting nearly a month now.

Any thoughts and ideas gratefully received.
I'm sorry, it seems sad to us that she has no baby, but if you take away the eggs, she may co parent with the other broody until she gets bored. Or she may just forget about it for a while. You can break her by putting her in a wire bottom cage. It's only sad for us, she will forget.
Oh, I'm so sorry it's not been more successful for you. From what I've heard, 3 day old chicks is the absolute oldest for getting a broody mumma to adopt.

I've been having a bit of a disaster with my broody hatch too! And I'm only on day 6!
You just never know. I had a once broody hen adopt about 30 chicks of various ages. All you can do is try.
I once had 8 pullets sit on a large community nest. After constantly stealing eggs from each other, only one chick hatched. They all mothered it.
I've even had a lone cockerel adopt and mother several one week old chicks.
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If the eggs are only 2 days late I wouldn't completely abandon hope yet. Have you candled? Sometimes you get a late starter. You can try to have the broody adopt. Always worth taking a chance. Just be prepared with a brooder in case things don't work out. Best of luck.

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