Help, head keeps drooping?


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
My Rhode Island Red (6 months)is standing by herself and keeps drooping her head like a baby that is fighting off falling asleep. I felt her all over and don't' feel anything amiss. All the poo I can see looks okay. When I picked her up and turned her over and cradled her, her head dropped all the way back. Everyone else seems just fine.

Please help. I looked for a similar post but did not find one.

Thanks Michelle
Could be trauma. I always wnder when one of my hens (Doe) will present like that- she is always flying, crashing, doing crazed things. Might be wise to separate here so the others don't injure her and to assess what to do next...
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She seems to be okay. I can't find anything that appears broken and the other girls keep going back in the coop to check on her but I will seperate her and see. Oh dear.
Does she seem to have lost any weight?

Any eye or nasal discharge?

I would definitely isolate her. Have you held her up to your ear to check for respiratory?

Hopefully much of nothing - maybe spring napping. We hope and pray. Nancy
Thanks, no discharge, no eye issues, no respiration, no weight loss. I am hoping when I go home in a while she will be running with her buddies. I will eyeing her a little more closely. I'll update as soon as I can.
I was just reading about brain damage when I saw your post. Do a search. Hope it is only sleepiness, as we have all seen it. But you wouldn't be writing if you thought it was that. Also, Is it the first symptom of wry neck. I don't know if your breed gets that or not.
Best wishes.
I have seen this in my hens when they are injured or in shock. I've always isolated them (I've had to b/c they had other injuries as well). I feed them a scrambled egg, alternated with plain yogurt. Usually they perk up after a day or two of that diet. May be a sign of dehydration too... Good luck, I hate when they don't feel well and can't tell us what's wrong!
All seems to be well. When I went home last night she was up on the roost with the other girls so I left her alone. this morning she is up and out and pecking around in our fabulous weather! Must have been some big partying in the hen house the other night and just caught up with her. Thanks everyone. This was my first big scare!


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