Help! Hen gasping for air!


10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Eugene, OR
Our home-hatched Faverolle/EE mix hen can barely breathe. Facts: She has been through this before, we successfully treated her with a combo of anti-parasite herbs. She was fine until attacked by a dog last Sunday. Kept her inside for a couple of days, she seemed better. Two days ago started breathing heavy, gasping and coughing. Treating her with herbs again, but not effective (still gasping and coughing), and keeping her inside. She can't eat or drink much, it blocks her breathing. Hubby doesn't want to cull her, but I can't stand to see her suffer. Any suggestions?? I've seen the Ivermectin sites, and I know the herbs I've given other chickens with gapeworm have worked. But I think the stress might have made the parasite run amok. My sister wants to take her to the vet, but we have 50 chickens and wow, $$. Before it was so hard for her to breathe, she was eating and drinking fine. Gapeworm or infection?? Please Help!

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