Help, hen has gone from limping to waddling.

Hi - she is actually starting to try walking.  I can tell the left leg is still giving her trouble, but she is up and going really slow.  YAY!!!

How is your girl?

Finally got the baby vitamins late day yesterday & got the 2 drops in her. Also have had a couple days of nothing but layer mash (with small amount of hulled, raw sunflower seeds for more B vitamin), porridge & free ranging in their Chicken Yard. Tonight she appears to be moving a little easier though still limping & choosing to lay when not in search of a spot to nibble. So fingers crossed, we will continue on this path and see what the end of the week brings.

So glad to hear yours sounds like she's on the mend!

I love BYC & the folks on here. Your advice & sharing is extremely helpful, reassuring & even entertaining at times. Thank you.
I have been giving my hen 2 drops daily of the Poly-Vi-Sol baby vitamins for 5 days now. She is still very hobbled by her left leg. I have stopped giving kitchen scraps as they have plenty of plants to get their greens. I have ACV in the water too. She still laying and eating though she only hangs with the flock when they come to here, not much as she is #5 in the pecking order of 6 hens. :/
I'm sure my Penny isn't going to make it. Tomorrow I will take her in :( I gave her a bath last night and I don't know what happened but it seems to have made her take a horrible turn for the worse, unless it was coincidence. I worked yesterday so don't know how she was all day.

She won't eat, and was drinking earlier, but now won't drink. Just sleeps and occasionally wakes up to preen a feather and I try to get a drink in her quick but she doesn't want it. :( Already been cryiing. I've become attached to her since she's been in the house.
I'm sorry to hear that :-( We are going to put ours in a smaller pen this week so she can just chill out with no worries of finding food or being pecked as our other SLW can get nasty on iccassion. Hadn't yet as the lame one doesn't move around much so had thought she was quiet enough. Have been wondering if the baby vitamins have enough B in them or could I crush up a bit of my Super B Complex?
Haunted55 and Hogster were saying 1 super B in a gallon of water.

I hope she improves.  

My girl died a bit ago, I was holding her and can't stop crying.

Oh, I am so terribly sorry. Loss can be hard. Just cry till you get it all out, much easier than putting it aside.
My Isabelle is getting worse. Her mobility has continued to decrease. She is now in a very small pen on pine bedding. I dissolved a Super B complex vitamin in 1 gallon of water yesterday and added about cup of that to about 3 cups of fresh water for her to drink from today. I added some extra raw, hulled, sunflower seeds to her layer mash. She laid an egg yesterday, was small, but still good. But she is pretty much just stuck in one spot, she can kind of scooch around but hardly. The left leg protrudes from under her instead of being tucked up like it should. I am running out of hope for her :-/

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