HELP!!! Hen hit by car!! Broken leg and busted beak


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2015
I really don't know what to do!! I have a hen who was hit by a car yesterday! My neighbor just came to my house and told me they accidentally hit my hen and she was in the ditch. My birds are free range and I've never had a problem with one going in the road. I went and got her and brought her in the house. I know she's got to be in tons of pain and I need to know what I can do for her. Any tips would be very helpful!
talk to eggcessive or casportpony they are better in the medical part but I would put it out of its misery, it will forever have leg problems and depending on how the beak is broke it may or may not grow back.
Ouch. Can you tell if there are internal injuries? For starters, she needs to be in a warm quiet place, although if you can make it so she can hear and/ or see her friends, I think that is calming to the injured bird. If she were mine I would just leave her alone for a bit, and let her rest and calm down. She is probably in shock. How bad is her beak, do you think it is possible she can eat, or, more importantly, drink? Do you know for sure her leg is broken? It is just hard to say what to do..if she is looking around and seems pretty alert, you could try tempting her with some thing like minced up tomato or applesauce and crumbles, or bread soaked in buttermilk, and see how she does. You could also try splinting the leg, depending on how badlly it's broken and where the break is. Your best bet really would be to take her to a vet, if you can. Even if you can't find an avian vet, sometimes a regular 4 leg vet will look at a bird with injuries.
I haven't noticed any signs of internal bleeding. She is drinking water and eating crumble feed. She has normal stools. No blood or discoloration. I could feel the break in her leg is a clean break. And it is up on the thigh area close to her body.
you can try to get it to an avian vet but not everyone will have one in their area, they can put an epoxy type stuff on the beak to get it to be more solid while it heals, and the bone you can try to set and immobilize by splinting it, and then put it in a chicken sling.
That is pretty good then. See if you can splint the leg. There are ways, in fact I think there are lots of directions on here as to how to do that. Thing is, I don't know if she would ever walk well enough to go back to free ranging, where she has to be able to run, you know....but you could try, it's worth a shot. Still vet is best bet. Try moistening the crumbles with a little applesauce or some oatmeal or maybe a little buttermilk or yogurt...would make it a little softer on her sore beak. You could also try a little layer mash, maybe, which you moisten with water. Just remember it will take six to eight weeks for the leg to heal, probably.....and that is after it's stabilized. Just like a person, or any animal. Sling is a good idea too, although I never have had much luck with those in the couple of times i tried one.
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