
12 Years
Jul 23, 2007
My DH hen just up and stoped setting on her 10 eggs last night after 16 days. She looks not quite right. She is not moving around like she usually does and I have not seen her eat(she might be though) her face and comb are pale almost white looking. Does anyone have any ideas. Is she sick or is the 102 heat getting to her? Why did she stop setting?
It could be that 102 heat getting to her in addition to her eating habits from setting. Take her into a cooler area and offer cold water and fruits. She may have easily overheated in 102 weather. I hope it is only the heat and nothing else. Good luck.
I too would have to say, its the heat. Is there a cool place yuo can take her and her eggs? Offer her some watermelon, cantelope, cucumber, tomato...all cold. This should perk her right up. I hope!

Hen was put on meds for 7 days and never got better so DH sent her to chicken heaven yesterday. Rooster was lonley and the only available hen was a bantam so we put her in with him and he did his rooster think with her right away. She did not seem to mind too much but she does not come off the roost to often. Do you think she will be okay with him?
Oh, well she has been with him for 3 days now. I will keep a watch on her and if I think the situation is getting to be to much for her I will take her out and put her back with the Bantys.
sorry to hear that, when my hens were sitting, I made sure you mount a box fan up so that it blew right at them and would mist them with water several times a day too. I just sprayed it into the wind the fan made, they really liked that. Maybe that's why they are letting me pet them now?
did any of the eggs make it???

it was over 100 here too when I did the fan and the misting
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DH sent her to hen heaven three days ago. She never got better just worse. Right before she left us she was drooling mucus or something out of her mouth. It was a pitiful sight. Her mate got well and has been sold because of !*@&#^$^ neighbors.

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