Help! Hens not laying...


Feb 22, 2017
Hello! I am in need of advice. August 5th of last year I purchased a few 4 month old Ameraucana hens and 1 2 year old laying hen. However, when I brought them home the 2 year old stopped laying, and the others still have not started. Is this normal? The other 7 hens that I already had stopped for a few months over the winter but are now laying again daily. Grateful for any advice!
Hello! I am in need of advice. August 5th of last year I purchased a few 4 month old Ameraucana hens and 1 2 year old laying hen. However, when I brought them home the 2 year old stopped laying, and the others still have not started. Is this normal? The other 7 hens that I already had stopped for a few months over the winter but are now laying again daily. Grateful for any advice!

The 4 months old ones will probably start laying soon being the days are getting longer. The 2 year old----Who knows---if she is only 2 she should have been laying. If she is a lot older---she might---according to how she was raised the first few years. If she was forced to lay with artificial day lights she might be about layed out.

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