HELP! How long to remove chicks after hatching in incubator?

What do I do if there is still some of the thin white sack dryed on to the baby ducks fur/feathers...
you do not have to do anything.. it will wear off .. or if there are other babies with it, they will pick it off..
if you see them picking on one another, do not be alarmed.. most likely this is what they are doing..
I made only one intervention--just sprayed inner sides of incubator to increase the humidity ( other chicks had been removed) and it did work--softened up the shell enough to allow this chick to work it's way out But..within a year he sickened and died. I wonder if it isnt best to accept that the chick is not strong enough .
I made only one intervention--just sprayed inner sides of incubator to increase the humidity ( other chicks had been removed) and it did work--softened up the shell enough to allow this chick to work it's way out But..within a year he sickened and died. I wonder if it isnt best to accept that the chick is not strong enough .
within a year ?? anything could have happened.. If it was sickly all the while, then maybe you are right.. it just was not strong enough..
I have 5 chicks in incubator 4 have hatched so far and I had to intervene with all of them. I dont think the humidity was right in my incubator two were stuck all night and the sack got white and hard. But as soon as I assisted them out they seemed much happier. Standing up and peeping like crazy. I am hatching belgian bearded D'Uccle's. I must say they are quite large compared to the tiny egg. But I couldn't stand to see them struggle. Although I'm not sure when I should put them in the brooder its been hours and they still aren't dry yet. But they have a good set of lungs on them and they are moving around pretty good on there own.
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Hi i have to hatched chicks who have been in the incubator around 24 hours now an are dry looking through the side of incubator i cant see any pips on the other eggs yet but they keep walking an knocking them is it safe to move them my first time an worried don't want to move them to early x
Hi i have to hatched chicks who have been in the incubator around 24 hours now an are dry looking through the side of incubator i cant see any pips on the other eggs yet but they keep walking an knocking them is it safe to move them my first time an worried don't want to move them to early x

chicks can go for 48 hours in the bator.
If you have no pips, you can take them out any time..
have a spray bottle of water handy and don't keep the bator open too long.. spritz the eggs lightly and close the bator.

the chicks climbing all over the unhatched eggs does little harm. don't worry about that .

when you put the chicks into the brooder, sprinkle a tiny bit of feed onto the floor. it will give them something to pick at instead of each other...

Help needed i have a 25 day egg that external pipped yesterday on day 24 but hasn't hatched its been 15hrs now getting bit worried all my others have only been between 6-10 hrs what should i do there is a chick in with it that hatched yesterday an another egg that i think as pipped sometime though the night should i leave it a bit longer or try to help it thanks
Help needed i have a 25 day egg that external pipped yesterday on day 24 but hasn't hatched its been 15hrs now getting bit worried all my others have only been between 6-10 hrs what should i do there is a chick in with it that hatched yesterday an another egg that i think as pipped sometime though the night should i leave it a bit longer or try to help it thanks

"helped" chicks are often sickly or die..

If you decide to help this one, don't over do it.
they have to fight to get out of the egg. if they do not get the chance to fight, they will be weak or sickly.

do NOT take the chick completely out of the shell.
do NOT straighten it's neck if it is bent.

helping is a judgement call.. use plenty of common sense and help only a little.

the only ones I help are ones that are shrink wrapped.
and I have very few of them because I keep the hatching humidity up in the 60%'s range..

Thank you for your help both eggs hatched without me having to help altogether i have 5 happy little chicks out of five that went in lockdown i'm really pleased that all 5 have survived an hatched themselves after reading all the problems you can encounter especially beening my first time will put pics on later :ya :love
Thank you for your help both eggs hatched without me having to help altogether i have 5 happy little chicks out of five that went in lockdown i'm really pleased that all 5 have survived an hatched themselves after reading all the problems you can encounter especially beening my first time will put pics on later

You just learned the biggest obstacle to overcome with hatching.
Patience.. just wait until you hatch some goose eggs and they pip for a couple of days..

If you really want some fun and excitement, get hold of some button quail eggs. they hatch like popcorn and come out of the shell running..

guinea eggs are a close second to quail..

turkey and peacock are slow and steady after pipping.
ducks are about the same as chicken..

I can't tell you about any other because these are the only kind I have experience with.

I just finished hatching 5 dozen live chicks.
now I am waiting for 10 mystery eggs to hatch.
The lady who brought them didn't know what kind they are.
I am guessing "turkey",. She said they might be "duck".
that would make more sense, this time of year, but they don't look like any duck that I ever saw...


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