Help! Humidity or struggling chick?

I did the straw trick with a bendy straw and warm water. Seems to be working as the humidity is going up. As for the struggler, I'm still not sure what to do...I could help him, but he still might die and then I've put the others at risk. I did rig up an extra long straw and dripped warm water on him to loosen up the membrane a little. Don't know that it helped much. Poor thing.
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What happened? Did the chick hatch?
Well, it's aggravating and discouraging, because I did everything just right for this batch (you should see my notes). But we only got 4 that hatched on their own. I waited until they were completely dry and getting hungry before I popped the incubator open. At that point the little struggler had pulled his beak back in, still not hatched and was still alive - after more than three days! So, I very reluctantly helped him. After all that he was in bad shape and my husband culled him tonight....
So sad. This is definitely the part I hate. On a happier note, my homemade incubator is very loud right now with 3 Speckled Sussex and 2 Buff Orps and more hatching going on. The other batch was done in a LG and were mixed breed, so that may have led to their demise. Hopefully my black Australorps will start hatching in the morning!
I would definately help the struggler. Take hi out quick and get him out of the shel then put him back real quick. I had to do that. I lost him anyway about a week later but at least I tried and the others didn't suffer at all. They are striving and growning like they are suppose to.

The reason mine got stuck is I thought all of them had hatched taht was going to. He was 2 days late in hatching. I had actually removed all the eggs then heard a faint peeping so put it back. It hatched the nect day with help of course becuse the humidity was low.

I would do it again if need be. Can't stand to see a baby struggle and not at least try to help.

Good luck and I hope he makes it.

OOps sorry I didn't read the last post. I am so sorry he didn't make it. Maybe get to it sooner next time if it happens. Maybe it will make it.
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