Help Humidity wont go up

Thank you all for your suggestions. I went out and bought a hydrometer and thermometor. The gauges are wrong. Not only the humidity but also the temp. Im slowly bringing the temp up throught the day as to not cook them. But the humidity is 77% i removed all the sponges and took out some water but its still high. Is it ok to let it stay like that until some of the water evaporates or will that hurt the embryos? I dont want to drastically lower the humidity as i dont think that would be good either.
I would run it dry until lockdown then add water....I keep humidity between 30 to 40 first 18 days then 70 to 80 at lockdown. It works very well for me. The environent outside your incubator can make a difference. Basically if the air ell is on track
I would take it out or at least blot most of it out....the change won't affect the eggs. it averages out over the 18 days of lockdown, humidity is just the means you use to control air cell development as high as it' been since you started, I would dry it up immdiately then get it back up at you have an air cell development chart? You can find one on this site or Google it. candle your eggs and see where you stand for any given point during the incubation. Good luck!
So i took all the water out of the incubator and the humidity is 71% still. The humidity outside is 98% and inside it is 55% how do i get the humidity to go down?
Hi and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us :ya
If the water is out the heat should lower the humidity for you. What day are you on? The key here is air cell development.
Humidity is dependent on surface area of water, not volume. That is why the incubators now, generally have molded trays with channels in the bottom so that you can mostly regulate the amount of humidity. As there is no longer water in the bator, the humidity level will drop but it may take your hygrometer a little while to regulate itself. Did you calibrate it yourself?

When you say the humidity is 95% outside and 55%inside, are you talking about your house? This can have an effect on what is going on in your incubator also.

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