Help, I am Addicted!

Can I sign up my husband?

I got the chickens for me. I didn't think I wanted any more than 4. Two years later, I've got 16 and he wants more!!! OMG I wouldn't refuse him but I am the only one taking care of them because of his work schedule. I would love to have more but not now. Maybe when he gets a better shift and can help more, or our kids get a little older.
I'm terrified of the ads for incubators, but I can't stop looking at them, it's like a spell......
Hi Jared!

Welcome to the club of crazy peeps! I started off with 5 chicks, just wanting a few for egg.................15 yrs later, I have a flock over 60, and growing every month. I have gone to therapy for egg hoarding, have the incubator and hatching up to 300 chicks a month. I have a two story, 4 compartment brooder for the hatchlings, I have a huge nursery for the pullets and then I have the henhouse for the bigger girls. I feel pity for some of the folks who come up and buy my eggs and chickens, they have to listen to my chicken tales before I allow them escape! LOL Everyone that purchases their chicks from me, I encourage them to call or email me with any questions that they have about raising chickens, and believe me, I get emails and phone calls everyday! I love it, just cant get enough! I keep making improvements on my property to accomodate the flock, have spent a fortune on their coops, have custom made chicken signs to hang in the coop, I am sure they love seeing all the art work in there when they are laying their eggs and roosting at night. I spend more money on their feed and snacks than I do for food for our household, and I have even started growing my first garden of tomatoes, corn, watermelon, and canteloupe just for the chickens. I also have papaya trees and an orchid of banana trees just to feed them bananas! My addiction to chickens has turned into OCD behaviors...................I am up at the crack of dawn all the way past sundown, tending to their every need, and loving every second of it! Good luck with your new found addiction, on a positive note, its one addiction that is good for the soul!
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By the way Jared, I also moved on to ducks as well. Started off with 2 like 5 yrs ago, and today, I have 16! Had 1 dog, now I have 7. I also have a potbelly pig, would have more, but running out of room. Almost thinking about selling the acre that I live on just so I can get more animals to keep. LOL
Well as long as you can afford to feed your addiction you will be fine, but if there comes a time you can not i would look into a 12 step program.

My addiction cost me 100 pounds of feed a day and they are totally free range.

With this addiction i must have protection and that cost also.


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